How to iteratively build a list?

Let me see if I get this right. So you have

max = 10^12

and you are iterating over the same list of primes with a nested loop. Your inner loop iterates over q and we should first calculate the largest prime we need in the list to ensure that we are able to hit max.

Your very first iteration, where p=2 is critical because p^2*q^3 will be the smallest. So how about we find out for which prime q we make it above the max mark? Just for clarity, I'm making the code a bit verbose

With[{p = 2},
  Abs[p^2*Prime[#]^3 - max] &
(* {819} *)

This tells us that we are passing the max mark for the 820th prime

(* 1000664355604 *)

For collecting the values, I suggest you use Reap and Sow instead of AppendTo as it is faster. For the iteration, there are many choices. Let me use a simple Do in this case

result = Reap[With[
    primes = Prime[Range[820]]
    If[p =!= q && p^2*q^3 < max,
    {p, primes},
    {q, primes}
]][[2, 1]];

That last [[2,1]] looks a bit clumsy, but when you read how Reap works, you'll understand its meaning. I got about 21k results and they all have the required form

result[[500]] // FactorInteger
(* {{2, 2}, {3581, 3}} *)

The GeneralUtilities`` package contains undocumented iterator functionality that resembles the generator-based iterators from C++. Perhaps these will make it into the core language some day. Until then, the following iterator-based answer is mainly out of academic interest rather than a practical recommendation...

We start by defining sqube as in the question:

sqube[{x_,y_}] := x*x*y*y*y

We then define an iterator over all the primes (RangeIterator does not support Infinity so we use a googol instead):

primes[] := RangeIterator[1*^100] // MapIterator[Prime]

So then:

primes[] // TakeIterator[10] // Normal

(* {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29} *)

We will also define a useful helper iterator (which really ought to be built-in):

takeWhileIterator[crit_] := MapIterator[If[crit[#], #, IteratorExhausted]&]

Armed with these definitions, we can define our results:

results[maxi_] :=
  (* for (int p : primes) *)
  primes[] //
  (* not present in the C++, removes the need to know in advance how many primes *)
  takeWhileIterator[sqube[{2, #}] <= maxi &] //
  (* for (int q : primes) *)
     ( primes[] //
       (* if (p != q) *)
       SelectIterator[Curry[#2 != # &][#]] //
       (* compute p*p*q*q*q *)
       MapIterator[Curry[sqube[{#2, #}]&][#]] //
       (* if (p*p*q*q*q > maxi) break *)
       takeWhileIterator[# <= maxi &]
     ) &

So then:

results[500] // Normal
(* {108, 500, 72, 200} *)

results[5000] // Normal
(* {108, 500, 1372, 72, 1125, 3087, 200, 675, 392, 1323} *)

results[10^12] // Normal // Short
(* { 108, 500, 1372, 5324, 8788, 19652, 27436
   , <<20952>>
   , 52810620731, 87171249997, 194935071113
   , 272147293459, 482754937967, 967692132989

% // Last // FactorInteger
(* {{29, 3}, {6299, 2}} *)