How to iterate UTF-8 string in PHP?

Using Lajos Meszaros' wonderful function as inspiration I created a multi-byte string iterator class.

// Multi-Byte String iterator class
class MbStrIterator implements Iterator
    private $iPos   = 0;
    private $iSize  = 0;
    private $sStr   = null;

    // Constructor
    public function __construct(/*string*/ $str)
        // Save the string
        $this->sStr     = $str;

        // Calculate the size of the current character

    // Calculate size
    private function calculateSize() {

        // If we're done already
        if(!isset($this->sStr[$this->iPos])) {

        // Get the character at the current position
        $iChar  = ord($this->sStr[$this->iPos]);

        // If it's a single byte, set it to one
        if($iChar < 128) {
            $this->iSize    = 1;

        // Else, it's multi-byte
        else {

            // Figure out how long it is
            if($iChar < 224) {
                $this->iSize = 2;
            } else if($iChar < 240){
                $this->iSize = 3;
            } else if($iChar < 248){
                $this->iSize = 4;
            } else if($iChar == 252){
                $this->iSize = 5;
            } else {
                $this->iSize = 6;

    // Current
    public function current() {

        // If we're done
        if(!isset($this->sStr[$this->iPos])) {
            return false;

        // Else if we have one byte
        else if($this->iSize == 1) {
            return $this->sStr[$this->iPos];

        // Else, it's multi-byte
        else {
            return substr($this->sStr, $this->iPos, $this->iSize);

    // Key
    public function key()
        // Return the current position
        return $this->iPos;

    // Next
    public function next()
        // Increment the position by the current size and then recalculate
        $this->iPos += $this->iSize;

    // Rewind
    public function rewind()
        // Reset the position and size
        $this->iPos     = 0;

    // Valid
    public function valid()
        // Return if the current position is valid
        return isset($this->sStr[$this->iPos]);

It can be used like so

foreach(new MbStrIterator("Kąt") as $c) {
    echo "{$c}\n";

Which will output


Or if you really want to know the position of the start byte as well

foreach(new MbStrIterator("Kąt") as $i => $c) {
    echo "{$i}: {$c}\n";

Which will output

0: K
1: ą
3: t

Preg split will fail over very large strings with a memory exception and mb_substr is slow indeed, so here is a simple, and effective code, which I'm sure, that you could use:

function nextchar($string, &$pointer){
    if(!isset($string[$pointer])) return false;
    $char = ord($string[$pointer]);
    if($char < 128){
        return $string[$pointer++];
        if($char < 224){
            $bytes = 2;
        }elseif($char < 240){
            $bytes = 3;
            $bytes = 4;
        $str =  substr($string, $pointer, $bytes);
        $pointer += $bytes;
        return $str;

This I used for looping through a multibyte string char by char and if I change it to the code below, the performance difference is huge:

function nextchar($string, &$pointer){
    if(!isset($string[$pointer])) return false;
    return mb_substr($string, $pointer++, 1, 'UTF-8');

Using it to loop a string for 10000 times with the code below produced a 3 second runtime for the first code and 13 seconds for the second code:

function microtime_float(){
    list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
    return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);

$source = 'árvíztűrő tükörfúrógépárvíztűrő tükörfúrógépárvíztűrő tükörfúrógépárvíztűrő tükörfúrógépárvíztűrő tükörfúrógép';

$t = Array(
    0 => microtime_float()

for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++){
    $pointer = 0;
    while(($chr = nextchar($source, $pointer)) !== false){
        //echo $chr;

$t[] = microtime_float();

echo $t[1] - $t[0].PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;

In answer to comments posted by @Pekla and @Col. Shrapnel I have compared preg_split with mb_substr.

alt text

The image shows, that preg_split took 1.2s, while mb_substr almost 25s.

Here is the code of the functions:

function split_preg($str){
    return preg_split('//u', $str, -1);     

function split_mb($str){
    $length = mb_strlen($str);
    $chars = array();
    for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++){
        $chars[] = mb_substr($str, $i, 1);
    $chars[] = "";
    return $chars;

Use preg_split. With "u" modifier it supports UTF-8 unicode.

$chrArray = preg_split('//u', $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);



Utf 8