How to iterate through array of objects in Swift?

An interesting way of solving this would be to leverage the flatMap function of Swift.

var array = [[person1, person2, person3], [person9, person10, person11]]

let flatArray = array.flatMap { $0 }

flatArray now is [person1, person2, person3, person9, person10, person11] of type Array<Person>.

Then you can iterate on flatArray to find what you want :

for person in flatArray {
    if == "Masha" {
        // Do something

You could even go further by using Swift 2.0 because it allows you to put a where clause in the for :

for person in flatArray where == "Masha" {
    // Do something

I would try this:

var array:[[Person]] = [[person1, person2, person3], [person9, person10, person11]]
/*Casting it like this should keep from getting an error later 
   and/or having to recast the objects*/

for people in array {

/*This is going to look at each array in arrays, 
   and call each one 'people' within this loop*/

    for person in people {

    /*Same thing, this is going to look at each item in the people array
       and call each one 'person' within this loop*/

        if == "Masha" {
            return person

Iterating can be done as in @Rachel's answer. However there are different ways of doing the same thing, and not necessarily by iterating - and in some cases with just one line of code.

If you want to find, then the best way is using the array's filter method - but before that the multi dimensional array should be flattened, using flatMap.

So, to find the first element having a certain name, you can simply do:

let result: Person? = array.flatMap { $0 }.filter { $ == "Masha" }.first

Here is technique which called 'Chaining'

Playground. Swift 3.1

import UIKit

class Person {
    var name = ""
    var lastName = ""
    var age = 0

var person1 = Person() = "Joe"
person1.lastName = "Doe"
person1.age = 21

var person2 = Person() = "Julia"
person2.lastName = "Ivanova"
person2.age = 22

var person3 = Person() = "Irina"
person3.lastName = "Petrova"
person3.age = 25

var person9 = Person() = "Vova"
person9.lastName = "Vovin"
person9.age = 32

var person10 = Person() = "Masha"
person10.lastName = "Golovanova"
person10.age = 20

var person11 = Person() = "Petra"
person11.lastName = "Andreeva"
person11.age = 27

var array = [[person1, person2, person3], [person9, person10, person11]]

    .forEach { (anyPerson:Person) in

        if == "Masha" {
            //Do what you need

Screen-shot from playground: enter image description here