How to install TP-LINK T2UH Wireless adapter Driver (Ralink mt7610u)

Connect to internet by wire, then run in terminal

sudo apt-get install git build-essential
git clone
cd mt7610u_wifi_sta_v3002_dpo_20130916
sudo make install
sudo mkdir -p /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA
sudo cp RT2870STA.dat  /etc/Wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat


The dongle should work. The only problem is that you will have to re-install it after each kernel upgrade.

But if you keep the driver folder mt7610u_wifi_sta_v3002_dpo_20130916, then it will be quite easy.

You will need to run only

cd mt7610u_wifi_sta_v3002_dpo_20130916
sudo make install

after a kernel upgrade.

It is also possible to install it using DKMS. In this case it will rebuild automatically on kernel upgrades.

I have a TP-Link T2U Wi-Fi adapter and I was in struggle to find a working driver for Ubuntu 18.10. All the drivers, original and modified, was for previous version of the kernel but nothing useful for the 4.15 kernel. After a painful morning I found a working link to run the TP-Link T2U on the latest kernel.

Here is the link: Trying to fix the MT7610U chipset driver - GitHub

After following the instructions everything worked! I found the link on TP-LINK Archer T2U v2 - WikiDevi.

If you would install the driver you will need to compile the source. To do this you will need install git and clone the repository in your home directory.

sudo apt install git
cd ~
git clone
cd mt7610u-linksys-ae6000-wifi-fixes

You can avoid to write the whole directory just type the first letters, for example, mt7610, and press the Tab key.

sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)
make clean
sudo make install

After these steps the device should work. If you want the driver to work after the updating the kernel I advise to follow the next steps that includes the dkms utility. You will need to work in the directory "mt7610u-linksys-ae6000-wifi-fixes" otherwise the process will not work.

sudo apt-get install dkms  
sudo cp -R . /usr/src/mt7610u_sta-1.0
sudo dkms add mt7610u_sta/1.0
sudo dkms build mt7610u_sta/1.0
sudo dkms install mt7610u_sta/1.0

I hope to be useful for the further development of this OS.