How to install pip in CentOS 7?

Update: The python34 bug mentioned below has finally been fixed. It is a perfectly fine choice now.

Rather than using broken EPEL python34 packages, you can enable the IUS repo and have it work properly.

  • pip inside virtual environments

The main python34u and python35u IUS packages include the pyvenv tool (/usr/bin/pyvenv-3.4 or /usr/bin/pyvenv-3.5) that includes bundled wheels of pip and setuptools for bootstrapping virtual environments.

  • global pip

The python34u-pip and python35u-pip IUS packages include /usr/bin/pip3.4 and /usr/bin/pip3.5 respectively. These work just fine to install packages to the system site-packages directory.

curl | python3.4

Or if you don't have curl for some reason:


After this you should be able to run

$ pip3

The easiest way I've found to install pip3 (for python3.x packages) on CentOS 7 is:

$ sudo yum install python34-setuptools
$ sudo easy_install-3.4 pip

You'll need to have the EPEL repository enabled before hand, of course.

You should now be able to run commands like the following to install packages for python3.x:

$ pip3 install foo

The CentOS 7 yum package for python34 does include the ensurepip module, but for some reason is missing the setuptools and pip files that should be a part of that module. To fix, download the latest wheels from PyPI into the module's _bundled directory (/lib64/python3.4/ensurepip/_bundled/):


then edit to match the downloaded versions:

_PIP_VERSION = "7.1.2"

after which python3.4 -m ensurepip works as intended. Ensurepip is invoked automatically every time you create a virtual environment, for example:

pyvenv-3.4 py3
source py3/bin/activate

Hopefully RH will fix the broken Python3.4 yum package so that manual patching isn't needed.