How to install packages in conda that are not available in anaconda? (conda:4.7.5, python:3.7.3)

in terminal type:

conda activate <env_name>


pip install edx-dl

will work on conda env this library

Thanks @Kasper for your answer. Following your answer, I was able to solve the problem. Here I give the complete procedure for anyone who is new.

Step 1: Open "Anaconda Prompt". (I opened as "Run as Administrator" to avoid any problem in installation.)

Step 2: type conda info --envs to cheek your available environments.

  • one environment for sure you should have is base & another one Classes_and_Inheritance also should appear.

  • I had PyCharm installed, so with that I had to open some projects. So, I had some additional environments too.

Step 3: type conda activte <environment_name>

  • this environment name substitute by your preferred environment (i.e. base, Classes_and_Inheritance or any other environment that you have created. )
  • In my case I used conda activate PyCharm_Proj, but if you want can use like this conda activate base

Step 4: type pip install <package_name>. The package_name substitute by the name of the package name you want to install. (i.e. in my case I typed pip install edx-dl)