How to install Openface in windows python

I'm not aware of OpenFace being used on Windows directly, but please contribute any changes necessary to the repository if you start working on this. I expect there to be a few compatibility issues with Linux-only features.

A workaround solution is to the prebuilt OpenFace Docker container on Windows with a Docker machine. Some of this is from the OpenFace setup guide. First start a Linux Docker machine on Windows. Then pull the OpenFace docker container from here:

docker pull bamos/openface
docker run -p 9000:9000 -p 8000:8000 -t -i bamos/openface /bin/bash
cd /root/openface
./demos/ images/examples/{lennon*,clapton*}
./demos/ infer models/openface/celeb-classifier.nn4.small2.v1.pkl ./images/examples/carell.jpg

Steps to install openface in windows which worked for me.

  1. Download openface from this path-
  2. Paste the folder openface into the path where python.exe file exist.
  3. Run the commnd python openface/ install

If you are using anaconda, then the following steps worked for me. The credit for the steps goes to nitish11 who posted them in github:

  1. Open the command line from within anaconda.
  2. If required, install git (conda install -c anaconda git)
  3. git clone
  4. cd openface
  5. pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. (sudo) python install

sudo may not be required in step 6.

Hope this helps.