How to install OpenCV on Windows and enable it for PyCharm without using the package manager

I finally figured out on how to solve this issue:

Steps to follow:

  1. Install Python 2.7.10
  2. Install Pycharm(If you have not done it already)
  3. Download and install the OpenCV executable.
  4. Add OpenCV in the system path(%OPENCV_DIR% = /path/of/opencv/directory)
  5. Goto C:\opencv\build\python\2.7\x86 folder and copy cv2.pyd file.
  6. Goto C:\Python27\DLLs directory and paste the cv2.pyd file.
  7. Goto C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages directory and paste the cv2.pyd file.
  8. Goto PyCharm IDE and goto DefaultSettings>PythonInterpreter.
  9. Select the Python which you have installed on Step1.
  10. Install the packages numpy,matplotlib and pip in pycharm.
  11. Restart your PyCharm.
  12. PyCharm now has OpenCV library installed and working.