How to install and use bower in windows 7

First you need to install node.js which you can do here: Once you have node installed you need to open a command prompt window. To install bower you enter the command npm install -g bower

Follow the steps below to get Node/NPM, Bower & Git up and running for a new project.

1.Download & Install Node.js

2.Install Bower Globally - npm install -g bower

3.Download & Install Git

4.Create your Project Directory and cd into the project directory just created.

5.Initialize Git in your project - git init

6.Initialize your package.json for NPM dependencies - npm init (Answer the questions that it asks)

7.Initialize your bower.json for Bower dependencies - bower init (Answer the questions that it asks)

package.json & bower.json Docs

NPM package.json Docs
Bower bower.json Docs