How to Install ActiveMQ server in MAC OS system?

You can install ActiveMQ with Homebrew package manager:

$ brew install apache-activemq

$ brew services start activemq

It will be installed in /usr/local/Cellar/activemq/x.x.x/ directory. (x.x.x = actual version being installed f.i. 5.15.10).

Open http://localhost:8161/admin to confirm ActiveMQ is up and running (default username and password: admin).

1) Download appropriate ActiveMq binary from here.

2) Unzip your bundle.

3) Open terminal and, set the terminal path to ActiveMq -> bin

4) Write command activemq start

5) Open http://localhost:8161/admin to confirm Activemq is up and running. You should have the following console.enter image description here

Your steps are correct. but now as you are stuck with credential window. you can use admin as user name and password both. check below image.

Generally all default server has default credentials are set as admin for both username and password.

Hope this will work...

enter image description here