How to insert line breaks in HTML documents using CSS

It looks like you've got a bunch of form items you'd like to show in a list, right? Hmm... if only those HTML spec guys had thought to include markup to handle a list of items...

I'd recommend you set it up like this:

    <li><label>Thingy 1:</label><input class="a" type="text" name="one" /></li>
    <li><label>Thingy 1:</label><input class="a" type="text" name="one" /></li>

Then the CSS gets a lot easier.

the following would give you the newlines. It would also put extra spaces out in front though... you'd have to mess up your source indentation by removing the tabbing.

form { white-space: pre }

Form controls are treated specially by browsers, so a lot of things don't necessarily work as they should. One of these things is generated content - it doesn't work for form controls. Instead, wrap the labels in <label> and use label:before { content: '\a' ; white-space: pre; }. You can also do it by floating everything and adding clear: left to the <label> elements.

It'd be best to wrap all of your elements in label elements, then apply css to the labels. The :before and :after pseudo classes are not completely supported in a consistent way.

Label tags have a lot of advantages including increased accessibility (on multiple levels) and more.

    Thingy one: <input type="text" name="one">;

then use CSS on your label elements...

label {display:block;clear:both;}


