How to inject multiple mocks of the same interface

It should be enough to name your mocks serviceA and serviceB. From Mockito documentation:

Property setter injection; mocks will first be resolved by type, then, if there is several property of the same type, by the match of the property name and the mock name.

In your example:

@InjectMocks ServiceCaller classUnderTest;

@Mock SomeService serviceA;
@Mock SomeService serviceB;

Note that it is not necessary to manually create class instance when using @InjectMocks.

Nevertheless I personally prefer injecting dependencies using constructor. It makes it easier to inject mocks in tests (just call a constructor with your mocks - without reflections tools or @InjectMocks (which is useful, but hides some aspects)). In addition using TDD it is clearly visible what dependencies are needed for the tested class and also IDE can generate your constructor stubs.

Spring Framework completely supports constructor injection:

public class ServiceCaller {
    private final SomeService serviceA;
    private final SomeService serviceB;

    public ServiceCaller(@Qualifier("serviceA") SomeService serviceA,
                         @Qualifier("serviceB") SomeService serviceB) { ... }


This code can be tested with:

@Mock SomeService serviceA;
@Mock SomeService serviceB;

//in a setup or test method
ServiceCaller classUnderTest = new ServiceCaller(serviceA, serviceB); 

When you have same type dependencies mockito stops injecting the depedencies due to properties of same types. To resolve this with reference to @osiris256 in the following way:

class ServiceLayer{

   private InterfaceA typeA;  

   private InterfaceA typeB;  


Your test class should be:

class ServiceLayerTest{

  @Mock(name = "typeA")
  private InterfaceA typeA;  

  @Mock(name = "typeB")
  private InterfaceA typeB;  

  ServiceLayer serviceLayer;

  public void initialiseBeforeTest(){

  // here goes your test 
   public void test(){
     // use your when then .....

Note: if you are using SpringRunner and use @MockBean this will not work, you have to replace with @Mock(name="") with reference to @osiris256.

you can use "name" property to define your instance like this:

@Mock(name="serviceA") SomeService serviceA;
@Mock(name="serviceB") SomeService serviceB;