How to increment line counter for line beginning replacements by AWK/...?

nl is a utility to number the lines of a file.Usage:

nl /path/to/file

In your specific case:

$ nl  -s ' & ' input.txt                                                                                                 
     1 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \\ \hline
     2 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \\ \hline
     3 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \\ \hline

This achieves what you're after. (as does awk '$0=NR" & "$0' filename, but that's a bit cryptic)

awk '{print NR,"&",$0}' filename
1 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \\ \hline
2 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \\ \hline
3 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \\ \hline

Or if sed preferable, this gives same result.

sed = filename | sed 'N;s/\n/ \& /'

perl approaches.

perl -pe '$_="$. & $_"' filename
perl -pe 's/^/$. & /' filename

Python can be a good alternative tool for this:

$ python -c "import sys;lines=[str(i)+' & '+l for i,l in enumerate(sys.stdin,1)]; print ''.join(lines)" < input.txt      
1 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \\ \hline
2 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \\ \hline
3 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \\ \hline

The way this works is that we redirect text into python's stdin, and read lines from there. enumerate() function is what gives line count, with sys.stdin specified as input and 1 is the starting index. The rest is simple - we make up list of new strings by casting index as string joined together with ' & ' string, and the line itself. Finally, all that is reassembled from list into one test by the ''.join() function.

Alternatively , here's a multi-line version for a script file or simply for readability:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys

for index,line in enumerate(sys.stdin,1):
    print str(index) + ' & ' + line.strip()

Works just the same:

$ ./  < input.txt                                                                                         
1 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \\ \hline
2 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \\ \hline
3 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \\ \hline

But if you prefer doing it in bash, then that can be done as well:

$ counter=1; while read line ; do printf "%s & %s\n" "$counter" "$line" ; counter=$(($counter+1)) ; done < input.txt
1 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \ hline
2 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \ hline
3 & What & South Dragon & North Dragon    & 5 \ hline