How to increase the font size in Context-Sensitive Autocompletion?

Suggested by @ihojnicki, another solution is:

  1. create a file named ~/.Mathematica/FrontEnd/frontend.css;

  2. append the following configuration to frontend.css:

    * { font-size:16pt; font-family:"Griffy"; }
  3. done.

Inspired by the solution from Font size for help drop down menu in input cell, my solution is as followed:

  1. Go to menu Format / Edit Stylesheet. this will open the style configuration similar as the left of the following image.

  2. Open Core.nb in $InstallationDirectory/SystemFiles/FrontEnd/Stylesheets. This doc looks as the right of the following image.

  3. Copy the cells "CodeAssistCompletion" and "CodeAssistCompletionHighlight" from Core.nb to the opened window in 1., and format these two cells by configuring menu -> Fromat -> Size.

Done. This configuration increases the font size only for this notebook, not for global setting.

I am still looking forward to a permanent global setting.

enter image description here

Launch Mathematica from the terminal in Ubuntu 19.04 with the following command:

 QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1.5 Mathematica

The font size in the Context-Sensitive Autocompletion increases, except for the font in the pop-up window blurs.