how to include one JSON into another JSON?

The simplest way to include one file in another is to use cpp (C preprocessor).

For example, if I have test.json as

#include "another.json"

and another.json as


you should be able to obtain

$ cpp -P test.json

Of course, you will need to make sure that resulting syntax is correct by properly formatting both pieces.

I believe the original question is how to merge these 2 JSON objects within javascript. Assuming that, the answer is simple.

var firstJson = {  
  "alternatives":    [1,2,3,4,5],  

var secondJson = {"criterias":"Location"};

firstJson.criterias = $.extend({},firstJson.criterias,secondJson.criterias);

You need to convert your first JSON string to object and add a new property to it.

If it is Java, you can use Google's Gson library

Gson gson = new Gson();
JsonObject jsonObj = gson.fromJson (jsonStr, JsonElement.class).getAsJsonObject();
jsonObj.add("criterias", "Location");

If it is JavaScript,

var jObj = JSON.parse(jsonString);
jObj.criterias = "Location";  //jObj.NewItem = "NewValue";



