How to import external type into global .d.ts file

When file has top-level import or export statement it is considered as a module. All its' content (types, interfaces, etc.) you are interested in needs to be exported explicitly in that file and imported in those files that need the types.

// types.d.ts
import { Thingy } from 'sick-lib';

export declare interface IInterface {
  foo: any;
  bar: any;
  baz: Thingy;

// main.ts
import { IInterface } from 'types';

const xyz: IInterface = {
  foo: true,
  bar: false

Here's an example of a global.d.ts file in a Create React App project:

declare type RouteProps = import("react-router-dom").RouteProps;

declare interface Xyz extends RouteProps {
  yada: string;

With TypeScript 3.3+ (and maybe since the 2.4 because it's the version that added support for dynamic imports), you have better ways to solve this isssue, using either:

interface Test {
  date: import('moment').Moment;


type Moment = import('moment').Moment;
interface Test {
  date: Moment;

with no need to export any interfaces ;)