How to import a java package in Android Studio

Without pressing Alt + enter to import the Packages?

There is some steps like 1)File --->Settings --from left pane we find editor---->General--->Auto Import

There Insert imports on paste as ALL not ask

And put check mark for all the Above three Fields

1)Show import popup

2)Optimize the imports on fly

3)Add unambiguous imports on the fly

Click Apply and ok

Happy Coding......

If it's an existing code library, I'd recommend adding a module for it. Probably the easiest way is to use the File menu command to add a new module, let it create a plain Java (non-Android) module for you, remove the sample class it puts into the module, and then copy your files over into it and tweak it. The module wizard will take care of setting up the directories and build files for you, and you can look at it later and see what did.