How to import a jar in Eclipse

Two choices:

1/ From the project:

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2/ If you have already other jar imported, from the directory "References Libraries":

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Both will lead you to this screen where you can mange your libraries:

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Adding external Jar is not smart in case you want to change the project location in filesystem.

The best way is to add the jar to build path so your project will compile if exported:

  1. Create a folder called lib in your project folder.

  2. copy to this folder all the jar files you need.

  3. Refresh your project in eclipse.

  4. Select all the jar files, then right click on one of them and select Build Path -> Add to Build Path

You can add a jar in Eclipse by right-clicking on the Project → Build Path → Configure Build Path. Under Libraries tab, click Add Jars or Add External JARs and give the Jar. A quick demo here.

enter image description here

The above solution is obviously a "Quick" one. However, if you are working on a project where you need to commit files to the source control repository, I would recommend adding Jar files to a dedicated library folder within your source control repository and referencing few or all of them as mentioned above.



