How to implement the field decimal(5,2) in EntityFrameworkCore 1.0 rc2?

I'm seeing some examples like this:

 entityBuilder.Property(r => r.TotalScore)

and the code to support this is here, so hopefully this is supported in the version you're using:

You can add extensions for that like this:

public static class SqlServerModelBuilderExtensions
    public static PropertyBuilder<decimal?> HasPrecision(this PropertyBuilder<decimal?> builder, int precision, int scale)
        return builder.HasColumnType($"decimal({precision},{scale})");

    public static PropertyBuilder<decimal> HasPrecision(this PropertyBuilder<decimal> builder, int precision, int scale)
        return builder.HasColumnType($"decimal({precision},{scale})");

JFYI, if somedoby is stil comming to this question (like I did)

In the current version of EF Core (2.2) there is also the Data Annotation way to do this:

public class SomeEFModelClass
    [Column(TypeName = "decimal(5,2)")]
    public decimal TotalScore{ get; set; }

Link to docs: