How to implement factory pattern with generics in Java?

Your problem is that the compiler cannot make the leap to the fact thet the type of the result is correct.

To help the compiler you can make the factory delegate the construction. Although this looks strange and unwieldly it does manage to properly maintain type safety without sacrifices such as casting or using ? or raw types.

public interface Handler<T> {

    void handle(T obj);

public static class StringHandler implements Handler<String> {

    public void handle(String str) {

public static class DateHandler implements Handler<Date> {

    public void handle(Date date) {

static class HandlerFactory {

    enum ValidHandler {

        String {
                    Handler<String> make() {
                        return new StringHandler();
        Date {
                    Handler<Date> make() {
                        return new DateHandler();

        abstract <T> Handler<T> make();

    public <T> Handler<T> getHandler(Class<T> clazz) {
        if (clazz == String.class) {
            return ValidHandler.String.make();
        if (clazz == Date.class) {
            return ValidHandler.Date.make();
        return null;

public void test() {
    HandlerFactory factory = new HandlerFactory();
    Handler<String> stringHandler = factory.getHandler(String.class);
    Handler<Date> dateHandler = factory.getHandler(Date.class);


You could save your mappings Class<T> -> Handler<T> in a Map. Something like:

Map<Class<T>, Handler<T>> registry = new HashMap<>();

public void registerHandler(Class<T> dataType, Class<? extends Handler> handlerType) {
    registry.put(dataType, handlerType);

public <T> Handler<T> getHandler(Class<T> clazz) {
  return registry.get(clazz).newInstance();

In some place, initialize handlers (could be in the factory itself):

factory.registerHandler(String.class, StringHandler.class);
factory.registerHandler(Date.class, DateHandler.class);

And in another place, you create and use them:

Handler<String> stringhandler = factory.getHandler(String.class);
Handler<Date> dateHandler = factory.getHandler(Date.class);


You can "scan" classes using reflection and, instead of register manually the mappings Class<T> -> Handler<T>, do it using reflection.

for (Class<? extends Handler> handlerType : getHandlerClasses()) {
    Type[] implementedInterfaces = handlerType.getGenericInterfaces();
    ParameterizedType eventHandlerInterface = (ParameterizedType) implementedInterfaces[0];
    Type[] types = eventHandlerInterface.getActualTypeArguments();
    Class dataType = (Class) types[0]; // <--String or Date, in your case
    factory.registerHandler(dataType, handlerType);

Then, you create and use them like above:

Handler<String> stringhandler = factory.getHandler(String.class);
Handler<Date> dateHandler = factory.getHandler(Date.class);

To implement getHandlerClasses(), look at this to scan all classes in your jar. For each class, you have to check if it is a Handler:

if (Handler.class.isAssignableFrom(scanningClazz) //implements Handler
    && scanningClazz.getName() != Handler.class.getName()) //it is not Handler.class itself
        //is a handler!

Hope it helps!