How to ignore kerning of underbrace in math mode

In this particular case \mathclap is not necessary:



x{\underbrace{(4-3y)}_{\substack{\text{positive}\\[1pt] \forall y \in [0,1]}}} + 4y - 1


enter image description here

Compare with



x{\underbrace{(4-3y)}_{\mathclap{\text{positive $\forall y \in [0,1]$}}}} + 4y - 1


enter image description here

Note, anyway, the additional pair of braces around the whole


construction: they're necessary in order to get the right spacing.

The subscript can be set in a zero-width box. The size of the subscript should be set explicitly. This results in the same output as \mathclap from mathtools.


    {\text{Positive $\forall y \in [0,1]$}}
    +4y -1
    {\makebox[0pt]{\scriptsize\text{Positive $\forall y \in [0,1]$}}}
    +4y -1
    {\mathclap{\text{Positive $\forall y \in [0,1]$}}}
    +4y -1


enter image description here