How to ignore accent in SQLite query (Android)

In Android sqlite, LIKE and GLOB ignore both COLLATE LOCALIZED and COLLATE UNICODE (they only work for ORDER BY). However, there is a solution without having to add extra columns to your table. As @asat explains in this answer, you can use GLOB with a pattern that will replace each letter with all the available alternatives of that letter. In Java:

public static String addTildeOptions(String searchText) {
    return searchText.toLowerCase()
                     .replaceAll("[aáàäâã]", "\\[aáàäâã\\]")
                     .replaceAll("[eéèëê]", "\\[eéèëê\\]")
                     .replaceAll("[iíìî]", "\\[iíìî\\]")
                     .replaceAll("[oóòöôõ]", "\\[oóòöôõ\\]")
                     .replaceAll("[uúùüû]", "\\[uúùüû\\]")
                     .replace("*", "[*]")
                     .replace("?", "[?]");

And then (not literally like this, of course):

SELECT * from table WHERE lower(column) GLOB "*addTildeOptions(searchText)*"

This way, for example in Spanish, a user searching for either mas or más will get the search converted into m[aáàäâã]s, returning both results.

It is important to notice that GLOB ignores COLLATE NOCASE, that's why I converted everything to lower case both in the function and in the query. Notice also that the lower() function in sqlite doesn't work on non-ASCII characters - but again those are probably the ones that you are already replacing!

The function also replaces both GLOB wildcards, * and ?, with "escaped" versions.

Generally, string comparisons in SQL are controlled by column or expression COLLATE rules. In Android, only three collation sequences are pre-defined: BINARY (default), LOCALIZED and UNICODE. None of them is ideal for your use case, and the C API for installing new collation functions is unfortunately not exposed in the Java API.

To work around this:

  1. Add another column to your table, for example MOVIE_NAME_ASCII
  2. Store values into this column with the accent marks removed. You can remove accents by normalizing your strings to Unicode Normal Form D (NFD) and removing non-ASCII code points since NFD represents accented characters roughly as plain ASCII + combining accent markers:

    String asciiName = Normalizer.normalize(unicodeName, Normalizer.Form.NFD)
        .replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "");
  3. Do your text searches on this ASCII-normalized column but display data from the original unicode column.