How to identify/delete non-UTF-8 characters in R

Another approach to remove the bad chars using dplyr on the whole dataset:


MyDate %>%
    mutate_at(vars(MyTextVar1, MyTextVar2), function(x){gsub('[^ -~]', '', x)})

Where MyData and MyTextVar are the data set and the text variables to remove the bad apples from. This may be less robust than changing encoding but often it's fine and easier to just remove them.

Yihui's xfun package has a function, read_utf8, that attempts to read a file and assumes it is encoded as UTF-8. If the file contains non-UTF-8 lines, a warning is triggered, letting you know which line(s) contain non-UTF-8 characters. Under the hood it uses a non exported function xfun:::invalid_utf8() which is simply the following: which(! &, "UTF-8", "UTF-8"))).

To detect specific non-UTF-8 words in a string, you could modify the above slightly and do something like:

invalid_utf8_ <- function(x){

  ! &, "UTF-8", "UTF-8"))


detect_invalid_utf8 <- function(string, seperator){

  stringSplit <- unlist(strsplit(string, seperator))

  invalidIndex <- unlist(lapply(stringSplit, invalid_utf8_))

    word = stringSplit[invalidIndex],
    stringIndex = which(invalidIndex == TRUE)


x <- "This is a string fa\xE7ile blah blah blah fa\xE7ade"

detect_invalid_utf8(x, " ")

#     word stringIndex
# 1 façile    5
# 2 façade    9

Another solution using iconv and it argument sub: character string. If not NA(here I set it to ''), it is used to replace any non-convertible bytes in the input.

x <- "fa\xE7ile"
Encoding(x) <- "UTF-8"
iconv(x, "UTF-8", "UTF-8",sub='') ## replace any non UTF-8 by ''

Here note that if we choose the right encoding:

x <- "fa\xE7ile"
Encoding(x) <- "latin1"
xx <- iconv(x, "latin1", "UTF-8",sub='')


Utf 8

