how to highlight (with glow) any path using Tikz?

I made a glow style, that simply draws the line several times with increasing thickness and and low opacity. The glow can be a different color from the line. If the line has an arrow it look strange, but you can simply draw it first with glow, and the again with the arrow.

preaction={#1, draw, line join=round, line width=0.5pt, opacity=0.04,
preaction={#1, draw, line join=round, line width=1.0pt, opacity=0.04,
preaction={#1, draw, line join=round, line width=1.5pt, opacity=0.04,
preaction={#1, draw, line join=round, line width=2.0pt, opacity=0.04,
preaction={#1, draw, line join=round, line width=2.5pt, opacity=0.04,
preaction={#1, draw, line join=round, line width=3.0pt, opacity=0.04,
preaction={#1, draw, line join=round, line width=3.5pt, opacity=0.04,
preaction={#1, draw, line join=round, line width=4.0pt, opacity=0.04,
preaction={#1, draw, line join=round, line width=4.5pt, opacity=0.04,
preaction={#1, draw, line join=round, line width=5.0pt, opacity=0.04,
preaction={#1, draw, line join=round, line width=5.5pt, opacity=0.04,
preaction={#1, draw, line join=round, line width=6.0pt, opacity=0.04,
\begin{tikzpicture}[ >=latex]
\draw[->] (-4,0)--(5,0) node[at end,above]{$x$};
\draw[->] (0,-1,0)--(0,5,0) node[at end,right]{$y$};
\draw[->] (0,0) coordinate(O) -- ({5*cos(30)},{5*sin(30)}) coordinate (XP)  node[pos=1.1]{$x'$};
\draw[->] (O) -- ({-5*sin(30)},{5*cos(30)}) coordinate (YP) node[pos=1.1]{$y'$};
\draw[->, red, glow=red] (O) -- ({4*cos(50)}, {4*sin(50)}) coordinate(R);
\draw[blue, glow=orange] (R)|-coordinate (Q) (O);
\draw[glow=cyan] (O) -- ({4*cos(50)*cos(30)*cos(30)}, {4*cos(50)*cos(30)*sin(30)})-- (Q) -- cycle;
\draw[<->, Orchid] (1.25,0) arc (0:30:1.25cm) node[midway, right ]{$\theta_{11}$};
\draw[<->, Firebrick2] (30:1.25) arc (30:50:1.25cm) node[midway, right ]{$\theta_{12}$};
\draw[glow=yellow] (Q)--++({ 4*sin(50)*sin(30)*cos(30) }, { 4*sin(50)*sin(30)*sin(30) } )-- (R);

Graph with "glowing" lines

Careful consideration needs to be taken on the order of the lines and glows, so that they are not painted on top of each other. Like in this zoom: Zoom on glow pattern

The easiest way to avoid problems are to draw all glows first(or on a background layer) and then the normal lines.


This glow has rounded ends, and do not overwrite the original lines. Using the solution from Pass options to the scope that is internally created by preaction:

\documentclass[tikz, border=0.1 cm]{standalone}
  /tikz/on layer/.code={
  /tikz/node on layer/.code={
preaction={#1, draw, line cap=round, line join=round, line width=0.5pt, opacity=0.04, on layer=back,
preaction={#1, draw, line cap=round, line join=round, line width=1.0pt, opacity=0.04, on layer=back,
preaction={#1, draw, line cap=round, line join=round, line width=1.5pt, opacity=0.04, on layer=back,
preaction={#1, draw, line cap=round, line join=round, line width=2.0pt, opacity=0.04, on layer=back,
preaction={#1, draw, line cap=round, line join=round, line width=2.5pt, opacity=0.04, on layer=back,
preaction={#1, draw, line cap=round, line join=round, line width=3.0pt, opacity=0.04, on layer=back,
preaction={#1, draw, line cap=round, line join=round, line width=3.5pt, opacity=0.04, on layer=back,
preaction={#1, draw, line cap=round, line join=round, line width=4.0pt, opacity=0.04, on layer=back,
preaction={#1, draw, line cap=round, line join=round, line width=4.5pt, opacity=0.04, on layer=back,
preaction={#1, draw, line cap=round, line join=round, line width=5.0pt, opacity=0.04, on layer=back,
preaction={#1, draw, line cap=round, line join=round, line width=5.5pt, opacity=0.04, on layer=back,
preaction={#1, draw, line cap=round, line join=round, line width=6.0pt, opacity=0.04, on layer=back,
\draw[glow=red] (0,0.5) -- (1,0.5);
\draw[glow=red] (0.5,0) -- (0.5,1);


Zoom of glow crossing

Random glowing lines:

Random glowing lines

You can just draw some thick line in the background. This can be done either with the backgrounds library, by a preaction, just drawing the thick lines earlier, or combinations of these. If you set the opacity to nontrivial values, it can make sense to use a transparency group.

\begin{tikzpicture}[ >=latex,glow/.style={%
    preaction={draw,line cap=round,line join=round,
    opacity=0.3,line width=4pt,#1}},glow/.default=yellow,
    transparency group]
\draw[->] (-4,0)--(5,0) node[at end,above]{$x$};
\draw[->] (0,-1,0)--(0,5,0) node[at end,right]{$y$};
\draw[->] (0,0) coordinate(O) -- ({5*cos(30)},{5*sin(30)}) coordinate (XP)  node[pos=1.1]{$x'$};
\draw[->] (O) -- ({-5*sin(30)},{5*cos(30)}) coordinate (YP) node[pos=1.1]{$y'$};
\draw[->, red] (O) -- ({4*cos(50)}, {4*sin(50)}) coordinate(R);
\draw[glow] (R) -- (R|-O)coordinate (Q);
\draw[glow={cyan!50}] (Q) -- (O) -- 
({4*cos(50)*cos(30)*cos(30)},{4*cos(50)*cos(30)*sin(30)}) coordinate (A) -- cycle;
\draw[blue] (R)|- (O);
\draw[green] (O) -- (A)-- (Q);
\draw[<->, Orchid] (1.25,0) arc (0:30:1.25cm) node[midway, right ]{$\theta_{11}$};
\draw[<->, Firebrick2] (30:1.25) arc (30:50:1.25cm) node[midway, right ]{$\theta_{12}$};
\draw[orange,glow] (Q)--++({ 4*sin(50)*sin(30)*cos(30) }, { 4*sin(50)*sin(30)*sin(30) } )
coordinate (B)-- (R);

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf