How to hide Chrome user profile icon in toolbar

Update: As of Google Chrome v71.x, this method no longer works.

There is seemingly no official way to remove the People button.

However, as a workaround for Chrome 69.x, you can revert to the previous style that displays your name in the upper-right corner using a Chrome flag. However, keep in mind that these flags are highly experimental; they may stop working or change at any time without notice.

To revert to the previous UI style:

  1. In a new tab, visit chrome://flags/#top-chrome-md
  2. For the option UI Layout for the browser's top chrome, select Normal from the dropdown list
  3. At the bottom of the page, click the Relaunch Now. button

You can't hide it, but you can prevent it from showing your profile picture. Click on your profile pic and hit "Open Guest Window". Helpful when you're shooting a video...