How to handle proxies in urllib3

I believe the correct answer to this should be

from urllib3 import ProxyManager, make_headers

default_headers = make_headers(proxy_basic_auth='myusername:mypassword')
http = ProxyManager("", headers=default_headers)

# Now you can use `http` as you would a normal PoolManager
r = http.request('GET', '')

(note: proxy_basic_auth, not basic_auth)

I was trying this with basic_auth in my environment without any luck. shazow you committed this comment to git which pointed me in the right direction

urllib3 has a ProxyManager component which you can use. You'll need to build headers for the Basic Auth component, you can either do that manually or use the make_headers helper in urllib3.

All together, it would look something like this:

from urllib3 import ProxyManager, make_headers

default_headers = make_headers(proxy_basic_auth='myusername:mypassword')
http = ProxyManager("", proxy_headers=default_headers)

# Now you can use `http` as you would a normal PoolManager
r = http.request('GET', '')