How to handle JSON Parse Error in Spring Rest Web Service

You also can extend ResponseEntityExceptionHandler and override the method handleHttpMessageNotReadable (example in Kotlin, but very similar in Java):

override fun handleHttpMessageNotReadable(ex: HttpMessageNotReadableException, headers: HttpHeaders, status: HttpStatus, request: WebRequest): ResponseEntity<Any> {
    val entity = ErrorResponse(status, ex.message ?: ex.localizedMessage, request)
    return this.handleExceptionInternal(ex, entity as Any?, headers, status, request)

To customize this message per Controller, use a combination of @ExceptionHandler and @ResponseStatus within your Controllers:

    @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, reason = "CUSTOM MESSAGE HERE")
    public void handleException() {
        //Handle Exception Here...

If you'd rather define this once and handle these Exceptions globally, then use a @ControllerAdvice class:

public class CustomControllerAdvice {
    @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, reason = "CUSTOM MESSAGE HERE")
    public void handleException() {
        //Handle Exception Here...