How to handle asynchronous callbacks in a synchronous way in Java?

This question could be more about integration patterns than it is about multi-threading. But requests in the same application/JVM can be orchestrated using a combination of asynchronous invocation and the observer pattern:

This is better done using an example (exploiting your Java knowledge). Check the following simplistic components that try to replicate your scenario:

The third-party service: it exposes an operation that returns a correlation ID and starts the long-running execution

class ExternalService {
    public String send() {
        return UUID.randomUUID().toString();

Your client-facing service: It receives a request, calls the third-party service and then waits for the response after registering with the result receiver:

class RequestProcessor {
    public Object submitRequest() {
        String correlationId = new ExternalService().send();

        return new ResultReceiver().register(correlationId).join();

The result receiver: It exposes an operation to the third-party service, and maintains an internal correlation registry:

class ResultReceiver {

    Map<String, CompletableFuture<Object>> subscribers;

    CompletableFuture<Object> register(String responseId) {
        CompletableFuture<Object> future = new CompletableFuture<Object>();
        this.subscribers.put(responseId, future);

        return future;

    public void externalResponse(String responseId, Object result) {

Futures, promises, call-backs are handy in this case. Synchronization is done by the initial request processor in order to force the execution to block for the client.

Now this can raise a number of issues that are not addressed in this simplistic class set. Some of these problems may be:

  • race condition between new ExternalService().send() and new ResultReceiver().register(correlationId). This is something that can be solved in ResultReceiver if it undestands that some responses can be very fast (2-way wait, so to say)
  • Never-coming results: results can take too long or simply run into errors. These future APIs typically offer timeouts to force cancellation of the request. For example:

    new ResultReceiver().register(correlationId)
        .get(10000, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Well what exactly is the problem with doing that? You just create an API (middleware) which doesn't return response until the third party returns the processed result. Front end sends request to X(), X() processes that request by sending a request to Y() and then keep polling Y() to see when the result is ready, then X() takes the results from Y() and sends it back to the front end. Like a facade.

There are some problems regarding using third party services that you don't control which you should consider. First of all you need to implement some kind of circuit breaker or timeout. Because the third party service might hang and never process the results (or process them so long that it makes no sense to wait). Also you should consider some meaningful way to keep the site running even if the third party service is not available or has updated their API or something else prevents you from using it.

And just one last thought in the end. Why would you want to make something that is already implemented asynchronous synchronous? It is made like that probably because it might take time. Blocking the front end for a long periods of time to wait for results makes the user experience unpleasant and the UI unresponsive. It is usually better to stick to asynchronous requests and show the users they are processing but let them do something else meanwhile.