How to handle angular2 route path in Nodejs?

You need to use HashLocationStrategy

import { LocationStrategy, HashLocationStrategy } from "angular2/router";
bootstrap(AppComponent, [
 provide(LocationStrategy, { useClass: HashLocationStrategy })

In your bootstrap file.

If you want to go with PathLocationStrategy ( without # ) you must setup rewrite strategy for your server.

If you enter localhost:3000/search directly in the browser navigation bar, your browser issues an request to '/search' to your server, which can be seen in the console (make sure you check the 'Preserve Log' button).

Navigated to http://localhost:3000/search

If you run a fully static server, this generates an error, as the search page does not exist on the server. Using express, for example, you can catch these requests and returns the index.html file. The angular2 bootstrap kicks-in, and the /search route described in your @RouteConfig is activated.

// example of express()
let app = express();

// Additional web services goes here

// 404 catch 
app.all('*', (req: any, res: any) => {
  console.log(`[TRACE] Server 404 request: ${req.originalUrl}`);