How to glob two patterns with pathlib?

If you're ok with installing a package, check out wcmatch. It can patch the Python PathLib so that you can run multiple matches in one go:

from wcmatch.pathlib import Path
paths = Path('path/to/dir').glob(['*.jl', '*.jsonlines'])

Inspired by @aditi's answer, I came up with this:

from pathlib import Path
from itertools import chain

exts = ["*.jl", "*.jsonlines"]
mainpath = "/path/to/dir"

P = []
for i in exts:
    p = Path(mainpath).joinpath().glob(i)
    P = chain(P, p)

from pathlib import Path

exts = [".jl", ".jsonlines"]
mainpath = "/path/to/dir"

# Same directory

files = [p for p in Path(mainpath).iterdir() if p.suffix in exts]

# Recursive

files = [p for p in Path(mainpath).rglob('*') if p.suffix in exts]

# 'files' will be a generator of Path objects, to unpack into strings:



