how to git commit a whole folder?

To stage an entire folder, you'd enter this command:

    $git add .

The period will add all files in the folder.

When you “add” something in Git, you add it to the staging area. When you commit, you then commit what’s in the staging area, meaning it’s possible to commit only a sub-set of changed files at any one time.

In your case, you want to add the folder to the staging area, and then just do a normal commit:

$ git add foldername
$ git commit -m 'Helpful commit message'

To Add a little to the above answers:

If you are wanting to commit a folder like the above

git add foldername
git commit -m "commit operation"

To add the folder you will need to be on the same level as, or above, the folder you are trying to add.

For example: App/Storage/Emails/email.php

If you are trying to add the "Storage" folder but you have been working inside it on the email.php document you will not be able to add the "Storage" folder unless you have 'changed directory' (cd ../) back up to the same level, or higher, as the Storage file itself

You don't "commit the folder" - you add the folder, as you have done, and then simply commit all changes. The command should be:

git add foldername
git commit -m "commit operation"

