How to get toState param with $transitions service? (new ui-router)

Follow documents, check Class Transition Methods, toState in old version equal $to() in new version

Old version:

$scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(evt, toState, toStateParams, fromState) {
  var oldToState = toState;

New version (current is 1.0.0-beta.3):

$transitions.onSuccess({}, function($transitions){
  var newToState = $transitions.$to();

From Interface HookMatchCriteria:

This object is used to configure whether or not a Transition Hook is invoked for a particular transition, based on the Transition's "to state" and "from state".

Hope this help!

Use $transition$.$to() for it.

$transitions.onStart( {}, function($transition$) {
    // stateTo === $transition$.$to();
    // Check $transition$.$to().name for state name