How to get time using Moment JS

For those who are looking for a way to get timestamp, just do it:


Have you looked at the website yet? It's full of examples - I think what you are trying to do is as simple as

var startDate = moment(endDate).subtract(1, 'days');

Following your question more literally, you can do this:

var endDate = moment(); //the current time

Or, you can just ignore the endDate part of this problem and go straight to startDate with

var startDate = moment().subtract(1, 'days'); //one day before the current time

Finally, if you need to format it a certain way, you can apply a formatting rule such as:

moment().subtract(1,'days').format('YYYY-MM-DD h:mm:ss a')

Use format without an argument and it gives you ISO 8601 format

moment().subtract(1,'days').format() //eg: "2015-04-04T01:53:26-05:00"

I think what you are looking for is something like


which returns something like: 1435161240

You can even calculate the time from now using


which returns something like: "2 days ago"

This worked for me although I have never found it in the docs. Should have been published but it works.


var currentTime = moment();
    console.log("CURRENT TIME: " + moment(currentTime).format("hh:mm"));