How to get the TEXT of Datagridview Combobox selected item?

To get selected value and selected text of Combobox in DataGridView try following Code

string SelectedText = Convert.ToString((DataGridView1.Rows[0].Cells["dgcombocell"] as DataGridViewComboBoxCell).FormattedValue.ToString());
int SelectedVal = Convert.ToInt32(DataGridView1.Rows[0].Cells["dgcombocell"].Value);

Also try this:


EditedFormattedValue object gives the current, formatted value of the cell in DataGridView, regardless of the cell is edited or in edit mode. It's more convenient to capture the ComboBox selection or any value of cell in DataGridView.

I managed to pull that string value out of the cell this way:

DataGridViewComboBoxCell dgvcmbcell = dataGridView1[1, 0] as DataGridViewComboBoxCell;
String text = dgvcmbcell.EditedFormattedValue.ToString();

Easiest way to figure this out is use the debugger and look into the dgvcmdcell object. In this you will find the expandable node "base". Expand it and just look through it and you will find whatever information you need.