How to get the size of an already-opened File in Rust?

The std::fs::File provides a metadata method. It can be used with your my_file like this:


There are a few options.

  1. If you create the file like you did (File::create), you will truncate the file, which means it will set the size of that file to 0 and write the content of buffer to the file. This means that your file will now have the length buffer.len().

  2. Use File::metadata to get the metadata and therefore get the length of the file. Keep in mind that you have to sync the file (by using File::sync_all) with the underlying filesystem to update the metadata and get the correct value.

  3. Use Seek::seek which File implements. You can then get the current offset by using which will tell you the last position available.

  4. On nightly (expected for release 1.35.0), you can use Seek::stream_len, which, unlike seek(SeekFrom::End(0)), restores the previous seek position.


