How to get the row count of Room database in android?

I didn't need LiveData and I used a Coroutine:

// DAO
@Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM some_table")
suspend fun getCount(): Int

fun getCount(): Int = runBlocking {
    val count = async {

when (val count = repository.getCount()) {
  // do stuff with count

I ended up doing it like this (using a new thread for the query).

In the Dao

@Query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM table")
int getCount();

In the repository

int getNumFiles() {
    return afileDao.getCount();

Where I need it

    final AtomicInteger fcount = new AtomicInteger();
    Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            int num = f_repo.getNumFiles();
    // use as fcount.get()

Let's see if this works. I may be off base, but I have struggled with this same issue trying to learn Room databases and most recently trying to get the row count of the table I was working with.

(This is my first post, so I apologize for the shortness of it and welcome constructive thought to make it better.)

Starting with the Dao, I declared the method with the @Query() annotation. This is the point where we will define the query we will be using to retrieve the desired information.

@Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM word_table")
LiveData<Integer> getCount();

Second, carry this through the Repository. The Repository will be calling our Dao class to retrieve information and essentially pass the query.

public LiveData<Integer> getCount() {
    return mWordDao.getCount();

Third, bring it into the ViewModel. The ViewModel will be called by the (in this case) MainActivity and in turn will call the getCount() method from the Repository and back down the chain.

// count
public LiveData<Integer> getCount() { return mRepository.getCount(); }

Finally, create the observable in the MainActivity, seeing as I encased the value with a LiveData<> wrapper.

    mWordViewModel.getCount().observe(this, new Observer<Integer>() {
        public void onChanged(@Nullable Integer integer) {

I know that this is simplistic, short and leaves out a lot of detail, but after going over the Room Database code a large number of times, this worked for me to be able to display the number of rows in the database table I was referencing. And it seems to be the way that the Room databases are intended to work.

(The code I was using as a base for branching out into retrieving the row count was grabbed from the codebase labs provided by Google for Room Databases part I.)

You can reach them with the following link and click on the one for Room Databases - Part 1: Codelabs for Android Developers


Room database Count Table Row

@Query("SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM tableName")
LiveData<Integer> getRowCount(); //with LiveData

@Query("SELECT COUNT(column_name) FROM tableName")
int getRowCount();