How to get the @RequestBody in an @ExceptionHandler (Spring REST)

Accepted answer creates a new POJO to pass things around, but the same behaviour can be achieved without creating additional objects by reusing the http request.

Example code for Controller mapping:

public ResponseEntity savePerson(@RequestBody Person person, WebRequest webRequest) {
    webRequest.setAttribute("person", person, RequestAttributes.SCOPE_REQUEST);

And later in the ExceptionHandler class / method you can use:

public ResponseEntity exceptionHandling(WebRequest request,Exception thrown) {

    Person person = (Person) request.getAttribute("person", RequestAttributes.SCOPE_REQUEST);

You can reference the request body object to a request-scoped bean. And then inject that request-scoped bean in your exception handler to retrieve the request body (or other request-context beans that you wish to reference).

// @Component
// @Scope("request")
public class RequestContext {
    // fields, getters, and setters for request-scoped beans

public class PersonController {

    private RequestContext requestContext;

    private PersonService personService;

    public Person savePerson(@RequestBody Person person) throws PersonServiceException {


public class ExceptionMapper {

    private RequestContext requestContext;

    protected ResponseEntity<?> onPersonServiceException(PersonServiceException exception) {
         Object requestBody = requestContext.getRequestBody();
         // ...
         return responseEntity;