How to get the Cell value of A1(Cell Address) using apache poi 3.6

CellReference cr = new CellReference("A1");
row = mySheet.getRow(cr.getRow());
cell = row.getCell(cr.getCol());

See Quick Guide for more samples.

There's a cellReference function


CellReference cellReference = new CellReference("B3");

(taken from the example here)

(Code on Kotlin)

You have 2 options to specify cell address:

Option 1: by CellReference (which can contain reference to the sheet name):

val cellReference = CellReference("SheetName!C11")

val sheet = workbook.getSheet(cellReference.sheetName)
val row = sheet.getRow(cellReference.row)
val cell: Cell = row.getCell(cellReference.col.toInt())

Option 2: by CellAddress (which can only contain reference on the cell within a sheet):

val sheetName = "SheetName"
val cellAddress = CellAddress("C11")

val sheet = workbook.getSheet(sheetName)
val row = sheet.getRow(cellAddress.row)
val cell: Cell = row.getCell(cellAddress.column)

Unfortunately code can't be simpler because both Workbook and Sheet have no methods which return cell by the CellReference or CellAddress.

Note: getCell() overload with MissingCellPolicy parameter allows to write code in more safe manner:

val cell: Cell? = row.getCell(cellAddress.column, Row.MissingCellPolicy.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL)
return cell ?: throw UnexpectedExcelStructureException("Unable to find $cellAddress cell on the $sheetName sheet or cell is empty")


Apache Poi