How to get rid of arrows from european voltage source in tikz?

It seems to me that all you need is sinusoidal voltage source,label=..., which can be made a style.

\begin{circuitikz}[scale = 0.6]
 \draw (-2,-2) node[ground] {} 
    to[sinusoidal voltage source,label=$SG_1$] (-2,0);
\quad\tikzset{myV/.style={sinusoidal voltage source,label=#1}}
\begin{circuitikz}[scale = 0.6]
 \draw (-2,-2) node[ground] {} 
    to[myV=$SG_1$] (-2,0);

enter image description here

You can just add a \node at some place, that doesn't print the arrow, but you get the label placed:

   \begin{circuitikz}[scale = 0.6]
     \draw (-2,-2) node[ground] {} to[sV] (-2,0);
     \node[anchor=east] at (-2.5,-1) {$SG_1$};

enter image description here