How to get programmatically a list of colors from a gradient on Android

You cannot get these values directly from the LinearGradient. The gradient doesn't contain the actual drawing. To get these values, you can paint them to a canvas and pull the colors out of the canvas, or what I'd suggest would be to calculate the values yourself.

It's a repeating linear gradient in five steps and you have the RGB values for the first and last color. The rest is just math. Here's the pseudo code:

int r1 =;
int g1 =;
int b1 =;

int r2 =;
int g2 =;
int b2 =;

int redStep = r2 - r1 / 4;
int greenStep = g2 - g1 / 4;
int blueStep = b2 - b1 / 4;

firstColor = new Color(r1, g1, b1);
secondColor = new Color(r1 + redStep, g1 + greenStep, b1 + blueStep);
thirdColor = new Color(r1 + redStep * 2, g1 + greenStep * 2, b1 + blueStep * 2);
fourthColor = new Color(r1 + redStep * 3, g1 + greenStep * 3, b1 + blueStep * 3);
fifthColor = new Color(r1 + redStep * 4, g1 + greenStep * 4, b1 + blueStep * 4);

Another approach that is a little more reusable (I seem to bump into this problem all the time). It's a bit more code. Here is the usage:

    int[] colors = {toRGB("lightbrown"), toRGB("darkbrown")};//assuming toRGB : String -> Int
    float[] positions = {1, 5};
    getColorFromGradient( colors, positions, 1 )
    getColorFromGradient( colors, positions, 5 )

Supporting functions

public static int getColorFromGradient(int[] colors, float[] positions, float v ){

    if( colors.length == 0 || colors.length != positions.length ){
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    if( colors.length == 1 ){
        return colors[0];

    if( v <= positions[0]) {
        return colors[0];

    if( v >= positions[positions.length-1]) {
        return colors[positions.length-1];

    for( int i = 1; i < positions.length; ++i ){
        if( v <= positions[i] ){
            float t = (v - positions[i-1]) / (positions[i] - positions[i-1]);
            return lerpColor(colors[i-1], colors[i], t);

    //should never make it here
    throw new RuntimeException();

public static int lerpColor( int colorA, int colorB, float t){
    int alpha = (int)Math.floor(Color.alpha(colorA) * ( 1 - t ) + Color.alpha(colorB) * t);
    int red   = (int)Math.floor(   * ( 1 - t ) +   * t);
    int green = (int)Math.floor( * ( 1 - t ) + * t);
    int blue  = (int)Math.floor(  * ( 1 - t ) +  * t);

    return Color.argb(alpha, red, green, blue);