How to get mongo command results in to a flat file

you can try the following from the command line

mongo --eval "var c = db.collection.find(); while(c.hasNext()) {printjson(}" >> test.txt

assuming you have a database called 'db' running on localhost and a collection called 'collection' this will export all records into a file called test.txt

If you have a longer script that you want to execute you can also create a script.js file and just use

mongo script.js >> test.txt

I hope this helps

Use this

mongo db_name --username user --password password < query1.js >> result.txt

I know of no way to do that from the mongo shell directly, but you can get mongoexport to execute queries and send the results to a file with the -q and -o options:

mongoexport -h -d models -c profiles -q '{ $query : { _id : "MRD461000" } }' -o MRD_Series1.json

The above hits queries the profiles collection in the models database grabbing the JSON document for _id = "MRD641000". Works for me.