How to get list of folders in a given bucket using Google Cloud API

Here's an update to this answer thread:

from import storage

# Instantiates a client
storage_client = storage.Client()

# Get GCS bucket
bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(bucket_name)

# Get blobs in bucket (including all subdirectories)
blobs_all = list(bucket.list_blobs())

# Get blobs in specific subirectory
blobs_specific = list(bucket.list_blobs(prefix='path/to/subfolder/'))

You can use the Python GCS API Client Library. See the Samples and Libraries for Google Cloud Storage documentation page for relevant links to documentation and downloads.

In your case, first I want to point out that you're confusing the term "bucket". I recommend reading the Key Terms page of the documentation. What you're talking about are object name prefixes.

You can start with the sample on GitHub. Looking at the list reference page, you'll want to pass bucket=abc, prefix=xyz/ and delimiter=/.

This question is about listing the folders inside a bucket/folder. None of the suggestions worked for me and after experimenting with the SDK, I suspect it is not possible (as of November 2019) to list the sub-directories of any path in a bucket. It is possible with the REST API, so I wrote this little wrapper...

from google.api_core import page_iterator
from import storage

def _item_to_value(iterator, item):
    return item

def list_directories(bucket_name, prefix):
    if prefix and not prefix.endswith('/'):
        prefix += '/'

    extra_params = {
        "projection": "noAcl",
        "prefix": prefix,
        "delimiter": '/'

    gcs = storage.Client()

    path = "/b/" + bucket_name + "/o"

    iterator = page_iterator.HTTPIterator(

    return [x for x in iterator]

For example, if you have my-bucket containing:

  • dog-bark
    • datasets
      • v1
      • v2

Then calling list_directories('my-bucket', 'dog-bark/datasets') will return:

['dog-bark/datasets/v1', 'dog-bark/datasets/v2']