How to get favicon's URL from a generic webpage in Javascript?

For people still not getting the favicon with above codes;

  1. Most browsers support getting the favicon by sending a request (/favicon.ico) themselves, instead of in the html.

  2. Another solution is provided by Google.

    To get the favicon for a domain, use:

    To get the favicon for an URL, use:

This seems to work:

var getFavicon = function(){
    var favicon = undefined;
    var nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
    for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++)
        if((nodeList[i].getAttribute("rel") == "icon")||(nodeList[i].getAttribute("rel") == "shortcut icon"))
            favicon = nodeList[i].getAttribute("href");
    return favicon;        


Or have a look at for an online example.

The favicon is at /favicon.ico unless you have a <link rel="icon" href="..."> element. So you can get all of the link elements via document.getElementsByTagName and then look at each of the elements in the returned NodeList to see if any of them have the attribute rel with the value "icon" and, if so, look at its href. (You might also look at ones where rel is "shortcut icon" or "icon shortcut" for historical reasons.)

