How to get Distinct Values from List(Of T) using Linq

LINQ to Objects doesn't provide anything to do "distinct by a projection" neatly. You could group by the name and then take the first element in each group, but that's pretty ugly.

My MoreLINQ provides a DistinctBy method though - in C# you'd use:

var distinct = HWModels.DistinctBy(x => x.ModelName).ToList();

Presumably the VB would be something like

Dim distinct = HWModels.DistinctBy(Function(x) x.ModelName).ToList

Apologies for any syntax errors though :(

This will group your objects by the preferred property and then will select the first of each one, removing duplicates.

 Dim newlist = HWModels.GroupBy(Function(x) x.ModelName).Select(Function(x) x.First).ToList