How to get current property name via reflection?

I'd like to know more about the context in which you need it since it seems to me that you should already know what property you are working with in the property accessor. If you must, though, you could probably use MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name and remove anything after get_/set_.


Based on your changes, I would say that you should use inheritance rather than reflection. I don't know what data is in your dictionary, but it seems to me that you really want to have different Car classes, say Sedan, Roadster, Buggy, StationWagon, not keep the type in a local variable. Then you would have implementations of methods that do the proper thing for that type of Car. Instead of finding out what kind of car you have, then doing something, you then simply call the appropriate method and the Car object does the right thing based on what type it is.

 public interface ICar
      void Drive( decimal velocity, Orientation orientation );
      void Shift( int gear );

 public abstract class Car : ICar
      public virtual void Drive( decimal velocity, Orientation orientation )
          ...some default implementation...

      public abstract void Shift( int gear );


 public class AutomaticTransmission : Car
       public override void Shift( int gear )
          ...some specific implementation...

 public class ManualTransmission : Car
       public override void Shift( int gear )
          ...some specific implementation...

Since properties are really just methods you can do this and clean up the get_ returned:

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program p = new Program();
            var x = p.Something;

        public string Something
                return MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;

If you profile the performance you should find MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod() is miles faster than StackFrame. In .NET 1.1 you will also have issues with StackFrame in release mode (from memory I think I found it was 3x faster).

That said I'm sure the performance issue won't cause too much of a problem- though an interesting discussion on StackFrame slowness can be found here.

I guess another option if you were concerned about performance would be to create a Visual Studio Intellisense Code Snippet that creates the property for you and also creates a string that corresponds to the property name.

Slightly confusing example you presented, unless I just don't get it. From C# 6.0 you can use the nameof operator.

public CarType MyProperty
    get { return (CarType)this[nameof(MyProperty)]};
    set { this[nameof(MyProperty)] = value]};

If you have a method that handles your getter/setter anyway, you can use the C# 4.5 CallerMemberName attribute, in this case you don't even need to repeat the name.

public CarType MyProperty
    get { return Get<CarType>(); }
    set { Set(value); }

public T Get<T>([CallerMemberName]string name = null)
    return (T)this[name];

public void Set<T>(T value, [CallerMemberName]string name = null)
    this[name] = value;