How to get an absolute file path in Python

You could use the new Python 3.4 library pathlib. (You can also get it for Python 2.6 or 2.7 using pip install pathlib.) The authors wrote: "The aim of this library is to provide a simple hierarchy of classes to handle filesystem paths and the common operations users do over them."

To get an absolute path in Windows:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> p = Path("pythonw.exe").resolve()
>>> p
>>> str(p)

Or on UNIX:

>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> p = Path("python3.4").resolve()
>>> p
>>> str(p)

Docs are here:

>>> import os
>>> os.path.abspath("mydir/myfile.txt")

Also works if it is already an absolute path:

>>> import os
>>> os.path.abspath("C:/example/cwd/mydir/myfile.txt")

import os

Note that expanduser is necessary (on Unix) in case the given expression for the file (or directory) name and location may contain a leading ~/(the tilde refers to the user's home directory), and expandvars takes care of any other environment variables (like $HOME).