How to get a line density from list density plot?

So your interpolation function will suffer a bit since the data is on a non-rectangular grid. This is the case also for the density plot, you can see that the interpolation on the 2D plot isn't great.

intfunc = Interpolation[DeleteDuplicates@ls]

enter image description here

You can see that the result isn't perfectly smooth,

Plot[{intfunc[x, .83], intfunc[x, 1.14]}, {x, 0, 1}, 
 PlotStyle -> {Red, Green}]

enter image description here

But you can also see that it matches your data points as well

ListPointPlot3D[{ls, {#, .83, intfunc[#, .83]} & /@ 
   Range[0, 1, .1], {#, 1.14, intfunc[#, 1.14]} & /@ Range[0, 1, .1]},
  PlotStyle -> {{PointSize[.01], Blue}, {PointSize[.01], 
    Red}, {PointSize[.01], Green}}]

enter image description here

Extracting data directly from ListDensityPlot

make a grayscale plot:

p1 = ListDensityPlot[ls, PlotLegends -> Automatic, 
  ColorFunction -> GrayLevel]

enter image description here

extract the polynomials from the graphics , then the ones that cross the desired line:

polys = Cases[Normal@p1, Polygon[v_List, VertexColors -> c_List], 
  EdgeForm[{Thick, Blue}], 
   Select[ polys, 
    Max[#[[1, All, 2]]] > 1.14 && Min[#[[1, All, 2]]] < 1.14 & ],
  Red, Line[{{0, 1.14}, {1, 1.14}}]} ]

enter image description here

then extract the edges that cross..

tedges[poly_, y_] :=
 MapThread[{ {poly[[1, #1]], poly[[2, 2, #1]]}  , {poly[[1, #2]], 
     poly[[2, 2, #2]]} } & ,
  ({#, RotateLeft[#]} &@Range[Length@poly[[1]]])]
crossedges[polys_, y_] := 
  Select[  Flatten[
    tedges[#, y] & /@ (Select[ polys, 
       Max[#[[1, All, 2]]] > y && Min[#[[1, All, 2]]] < y & ]), 
    1] , ((Max[#[[All, 1, 2]] ] >= y && 
           Min[#[[All, 1, 2]] ] <= y) &)];

linear interpolate edge color along each edge:

intedge[edge_, y_] := 
 Module[{ ci = (y - edge[[2, 1, 2]])/(edge[[1, 1, 2]] - 
       edge[[2, 1, 2]])},
  {edge[[1, 1, 1]] ci + edge[[2, 1, 1]] (1 - ci)  , 
   edge[[1, 2]] ci + edge[[2, 2]] (1 - ci)}]
ListPlot[Union[intedge[#, 1.14] & /@ crossedges[polys, 1.14]]]

enter image description here

note the scale here is the grayscale.. go back and use ColorFunctionScaling->False for the plot..

enter image description here

and...after all that we see we have precisely the same result as JasonB's Interpolation..

enter image description here

An alternative, which is my go-to method of extracting these kinds of things. First construct a 3D-plot of the data using Mesh lines that sit at y-values of 0.83 and 1.14:

p3 = ListPlot3D[ls
  , PlotRange -> All
  , InterpolationOrder -> 1
  , MeshFunctions -> (#2 &), Mesh -> {{0.83, 1.14}}
  , BoundaryStyle -> None, Boxed -> False, Axes -> False]

enter image description here

Then extract the lines from the graph:

lns = Cases[Normal@p3, Line[a_] :> a, Infinity];
ListLinePlot /@ Apply[{#1, #3} &, lns, {2}]

enter image description here

To see the points, consider:

Plot[Interpolation[{#1, #3} & @@@ #, InterpolationOrder -> 0][t], {t, 0, 1}] & /@ lns

enter image description here