how to get a fragment added in an XML layout

You can find the fragment using findFragmentById (if you know the component it is included in) or by findFragmentByTag (if you know its tag)

I don't know which variables you want to update, but you can replace the fragment with another fragment using the FragmentTransaction API.

See for examples.

If the fragment is embedded in another fragment, you need getChildFragmentManager() but not getFragmentManager(). For example, in layout xml define the fragment like this:

    android:layout_marginRight="5dp" />

in Code, you can get the fragment instance like this:

FragmentManager f = getChildFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction transaction = f.beginTransaction();
chatFragment = f.findFragmentById(;

if (chatFragment != null) {

You can get the fragment instance as follows:


I did exactly the same in android and the simplest way to do this in using interfaces. I had an activity with 6 fragments and i needed to update only 3 of them.

I use this

    final Integer numeroFragments = ((PagerAdapterOfe) mViewPager.getAdapter()).getCount();

    for (int i=0; i<numeroFragments; i++) {
        Object fragment = ((PagerAdapterOfe) mViewPager.getAdapter()).getItem(i);

        // If the fragment implement my interface, update the list
        if (fragment instanceof IOfertaFragment){
        ((IOfertaFragment) fragment).actualizaListaOfertas();

Where, PageAdapterOfe is my activity fragments adapter. I loop all of my fragments and search for those that implement my interface, when i found one, I execute the method defined by my interface and that is!

I use this code inside the activity that holds all the fragments, in response a broadcast signal, you can put it where you need.

The interface:

public interface IOfertaFragment {

    public void actualizaListaOfertas();