How to format date to 'yyyy-MM-dd' using Apex

You didn't do the same thing in both examples:

String foo(Date input)
{ // your first example
    return DateTime.newInstance(
        input.year(), input.month(),
String bar(Date input)
{ // your second example
    Datetime output = input;
    // Type Coercion  ^^^^^
    return output.format('yyyy-MM-dd');
String baz(Date input)
{ // another approach
    return DateTime.newInstance(
        input, Time.newInstance(0,0,0,0)


In your first example, you use foo, but in your second, you use bar. What you do in bar is called Type Coercion where you assign a Date to a Datetime. That gives it a Time instance of (0,0,0,0), but a Time Zone of GMT. So you could also fix bar by using formatGmt:

String qux(Date input)
{ // your second example rewritten
    Datetime output = input;
    return output.formatGmt('yyyy-MM-dd');
    //                  ^^^

You could also think about your original bar as being equivalent to a slight change in baz:

String quux(Date input)
    Datetime output = Datetime.newInstanceGmt(input, Time.newInstance(0,0,0,0));
    // now output is the same as it was in `bar`
    return output.format('yyyy-MM-dd');

You have the Datetime in the GMT Timezone, so you need to use formatGmt:

String garply(Date input)
    Datetime output = Datetime.newInstanceGmt(input, Time.newInstance(0,0,0,0));
    // now output is the same as it was in `bar`
    return output.formatGmt('yyyy-MM-dd');
    //                  ^^^

* What's after baz?

To format a Date object to YYYY-MM-DD, you just need one line:
