how to focus on an input in Angular

This is how I solved it:


<input class="form-control" #swiper formControlName="swipe" placeholder="Swipe">


import { Component, ElementRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';

export class MyClass {
    @ViewChild('swiper') swiper: ElementRef;

    constructor() {}

    onClick() {

The key being two things: first using the ViewChild not ViewChildren (thanks @Teddy Stern for that one) and second there is no need to use the Renderer at all, just directly use the nativeElement's focus function.

You are using ViewChildren which returns a QueryList You need to use ViewChild and your code should work.

export class MyClass {
    @ViewChild('swiper') swiper: ElementRef;

    constructor(private renderer: Renderer) {}

    onClick() {

if you have a input and a button

<input #myinput>
<button (click)="myinput.focus()">click</button>

If anyone is interested, to focus on an element which is generated dynamically, #name is not possible to keep in the field as attribute. I found a work around using native JS.

<textarea [(ngModel)]="update.newComment"
          [name]="'update-' + index" 

Now, a trigger to focus on above textarea could be like

<span (click)="focusOn(index);">Comment</span>

Click event will be handled in ts as

focusOn(fieldName) {
    const commmentBoxes = document.querySelectorAll(`textarea[ng-reflect-name="update-${fieldName}"]`);
    for( let i in commmentBoxes) {
        const element: any = commmentBoxes[i];
        const attributs = element.attributes;
        for(let j in attributs) {
            const attribute = attributs[j];
            if (attribute.nodeName === 'ng-reflect-name' && attribute.nodeValue === `update-${fieldName}`) {


